Intr-un fel sau altul, toti purtam ochelari

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My dream job...and they're right

Me and another 30% of the tickle test takers are supposed to be rock stars. :)

Take this test!
Can you think of anything better than having all eyes on you? We didn't think so! That's why your dream job is standing on stage, under the spotlight, rocking out! Not selling merch, or just playing in the opening band — no, you need to be the main event. Outgoing and personable, you thrive when you can connect with others and make a big impression. And being on stage, literally or figuratively, pushes you to be your very best.

But you don't have to be Bono or Gwen Stefani to keep working the spotlight. Just use your original flair for being the basis of your social scene and making friends wherever you work — you'll be sure to shine!

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