Intr-un fel sau altul, toti purtam ochelari

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Opera Romana iese in strada iata cum isi si face cunoscuta intr-un mod neconventional aceasta initiativa laudabila cu ajutorul colegilor mei de la Lowe&Partners... gasiti mai multe imagini aici

Dupa asa un efort frumos, eu zic sa va grabiti si ajungeti sambata pe esplanada din fata Operei Romane pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu mai gasiti scaune goale...La 9 incepe "cheful" de catifea

Auditie placuta!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

branding de branding

I enjoy observing the multitude of gatherings on the subject of country branding is held in Romania and at some point some "creative" concept such as "fabulospirit" see the light of day only to be obliterated by the great mass of advertising/communication/marketing specialists...

I am surprised to see that as far as I know, all the approaches were about what to say to the potential communication whatsoever to us the Romanians (basic branding mistake)...

The communiation with/to the Romanian public is much more important today when with the help of all this social networking tools (bloguri, myspace, facebook, twitter, etc) the ones that can disseminate the best the information, and can really build a positive brand attitude on the country are THE ROMANIANS...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Doar daca va intereseaza publicitatea...

Gasiti aici un o tema de reflectie foarte interesanta in legatura cu incotro se indreapta publicitatea asta...