
Intr-un fel sau altul, toti purtam ochelari

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Splendid si amar

Nu am mai scris de mult, probabil si cei cativa cicitori care mai erau pe blog au uitat de el...

Dar revin acum, cand dincolo de orice "issue" sau "happening" de comunicare artificiala, care de multe ori se numeste - cu parere de rau o spun - publicitate, sa diseminez cateva randuri inchinate maritei si preacititei si urmaritei media romanesti putreda si patata mai rau ca o curva penala de pe centura de micimea unui proletarism chiar de ei educat ca atat pot ei...

Luati de cititi si mai ales luati aminte:

"Draga Marius Tuca, În numele amicitiei ce ne leaga, te rog sa inserezi în Jurnalul National aceste rînduri adresate multor ziaristi sau reporteri din mass-media centrala, tineri sau mai putin tineri, dar toti de o seama cu barbaria. O fac atît în numele meu, cît si al unor prieteni ca Radu Beligan, Sergiu Nicolaescu si Stefan Iordache, hartuiti, ca si mine, cu nerusinare tenace, de niste condeie butucanoase. Va e foame de moarte de ne cautati prin toate spitalele? Asteptati-o cu încredere în pragul casei voastre, va veni, n-a lipsit la nici o întîlnire. Cei care nu ma credeti, puneti mîna pe o lama si ascutiti-o pe venele de la o mîna. Straniu e faptul ca majoritatea dintre voi vor muri fara sa se fi nascut. Un scriitor german, Hans Fallada, a scris un roman intitulat "Fiecare moare singur". Macar pentru simpatia pe care o purtati scriitorilor straini - cei români de mult nu mai intra în discutie -, încordati-va sa gasiti o explicatie pentru lipsa umbrei voastre pe copertele istoriei contemporane si lasati-ne pe noi în pace. Cred însa ca exemplul Fallada, pe care l-am ales, nu e fericit, întrucît, daca va mai spun ca tot el a scris si romanul "Banii nu fac doi bani", aleluia!, voi, care stiti ca banii fac totul. Da, sînt bolnav - cancer de prostata cu diseminari -, ma tratez la Spitalul Elias (ma opresc sa fac o plecaciune în fata medicilor, asistentelor, infirmierelor si tuturor slujitorilor acestui spital pentru imensa lor dragoste de oameni) si nu doresc altceva decît sa ma lasati în pace cu nenorocul, suferinta, spaimele si sperantele mele. Eu stiu sa îndur, vîrsta m-a învatat multe, dar am o familie, rude, prieteni pe care-i îngroziti cînd ma îngropati a doua oara în decurs de sase luni. Va întreb: o faceti din pustiu sufletesc sau din cea mai elementara lipsa de constiinta profesionala? Apoi, ce bucurie va trezeste suferinta altora? Si, mai ales, pentru ce ne vreti dincolo de dincolo? Literatura nu cititi, prin urmare nici cartile mele, la film nu mergeti, la teatru nici atît. Îmi închipui cu toata sinceritatea ca nici de urît nu ne urîti. Atunci nu încape decît o singura explicatie: sînteti mînati cu biciul de patronii vostri sa aduceti stiri ce sa sature asteptarile unui public, de voi însiva format metodic, de-a lungul timpului, ca amator de telenovele imbecile, senzationalism ieftin, erotism vulgar etc. As mai avea destule sa va spun, dar ma opresc aici, încheind cu fraza unui mare scriitor rus (voi, se întelege, ati fi vrut sa fie unul american, dar n-am ce face): "Urît mai traiti, domnilor!".
Fanus Neagu

Trist dom'ne, trist...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gary Moore

Perhaps some of you know this minor key, explosive and vivid guitar player who for more than twenty something years makes that Gibson Les Paule (I think) guitar cry and weep in blues rythm...

I just recommend listen to this passionate and extrovert guitarist.

Listen here its "Still got the Blues" masterpiece.

This is that kind of song that no matter how old, it just sticks to least is what happened to me more tham 7 years ago... That guitar solo is just amazing and the vibe of the song overhelming.

This second song "Parisian Walkways", well, is hard to descrbe the emotional charge that contains, especially when listened in a mild lightened environment enjoying a good glass of wine and a smoke...

If don't have the "logistics" for the previous scenario, just close your eyes, rise the speaker/headphone volume and enjoy 6 minutes of relaxation.


Confessions of an Advertising Insider

No posting for quite a while now... Why? Didn't feel like it and also veeery full schedule these past two months...

But here we go again with this video on advertising, of course :), via ThoughtSpurs

Basically is the view of an advertising insider on the behind-the-scene life in ad agencies which supposed to be funny and relevant. Well, as far as I'm concerned, the facts are distorted and if an ad man really thinks this way he/she should seriously consider changing job, 'cause it's clear he/she won't do any good neither for his/her self-esteem, neither for the ad industry...

The advertising feeds itself with the souls of the whole ad crew and takes its juice from the (sometimes) overinflated ego of the creatives and the aspirational ambition of the planners. Stating that all that ad men do is stealing ideas from average joe is a great injustice for all the mental struggle used to find the best way to send a compelling and relevant message through...

Yes, advertising is inspired from the day to day life, but passionate, responsible professionals take all this to a whole new level making extraordinary out of the ordinary, bringing new perspective and added value to things. That's why everybody enjoys Nike advertising, or Sony Bravia or Diesel...

Come on, people, let's be honest and talk also about the SACRIFICE and RESPONSIBILITY behind a good communication campaign and about the real values and principles of this too long, too much overestimated and in the same time underestimated job...

Fuck you, you ignorant creatures!!!!! There's no fun here.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Citroen rebranding

Citroen has released today its new identity with the occasion of their 90th anniverssary. Not bad I might say... it sustains their innovation driven positioning.

The design is pretty clean and interestingly round for times when the aggressive lines are the trend... The branding has been done by Landor and it shows big time...

Very interesting is also the timing for such a step: the downturn of the car the challegers are taking actions hoping to minimize the gap...

I like it, it is in line with the brand, it adds a fresh feeling... more on this here

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh yeah, this is more like a Cadbury ad

...but is just (sort of) a spoof for the Cadbury's Eyebrows commercial. Definetly better than the original :)

and here is the original, judge for yourself:

So, what's your vote?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Social media? What is this?!?

Via hollycow

The advertising in 2009

Here is a very interesting rapport from Futurelab on the relation agency-client.

Here is a post written in Romanian on the same subject.

Briefly, the clients and the ad agencies live quite separate worlds, just like a couple that it should have long time ago go to a couple therapist...