Intr-un fel sau altul, toti purtam ochelari

Monday, January 12, 2009


I think by now, we (almost all know about the Whooper Sacrifce on facebook. For Those who don't know, Burger King has installed this facebook application by which one can receive a free Whooper(a sort of Burger King Big Mac) if sacrifices 10 of his/her facebook friends. Find some more info here. On twitter I was saying about this campaign that is, as far as I'm concerned, offending. I would never ever cut 10 of my facebook friends for a shitty hamburger...

that just isn't me...

Anyhow, communication wise, the Crispin Porter+Bogusky manage to use the internet's benefits to their full advantage.

If the campaign's objective is to rise awareness for Burger King , well it's a success, but it has the objective to built positive attitude for the brand, I don't know what to say... perhaps they could have done it better.
Here si the whoopersacrifice site
Just by writing this post, I added whooper and burger king as tags and I have given sone 20 min of my life to this shit...

Some interesting things about this campaign you could find here and here (is written in Romanian)

As conclusion:

Very good use of internet
Not that great subject - this sacrificing thing is just not getting to me...

I preffer this Anouk's sacrifice instead of that of BK

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