Intr-un fel sau altul, toti purtam ochelari

Monday, January 12, 2009

For the love of God....

I love guitar playing, this is my hobby upon which I have already wrote some posts awhile ago. From times to times I feel like strumming my guitar with friends, remembering the good old days and having a lot of fun... I have beautiful memories about playing and a lot of stories to tell - the concerts, the adventures, the recordings, the fame :)
I would like to share my passion on guitar playing by posting a bit some excellent quality guitar performances.


Steve Vai...this guy is more than awesome when it comes to caressing a guitar. For him, the guitar is a natural extension of his and you don't have to take my word for it, just watch these two version of his masterpiece "For the love of God" breathtaking indeed...

this one is from 2005 with the Holland Metropole Orchestra

and this one is played almost ten years earlier during the G3 tour (well get to that later)

And as a bonus: the tender surrender

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