Intr-un fel sau altul, toti purtam ochelari

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What would you want Santa to bring you?

Me, for instance, I would like the childhood Christmas spirit back...I want the old time white snow back on the streets, I want to wake up in my grandparents warm house, I want to hardly wait to go down the hills on the sledge, I want to go with my friends to sing carols...

I want to believe n Santa again !!!

The more one grows old, it becomes harder and harder to keep the Noel magic alive :(... We all in advertising industry are talking and preaching about emotional communication approaches, but in the end it's all about the money and the emotion whatsoever (besides frustration and anger).

Pretty sad

Just read this sad all grown people's Christmas wishes:

Moray MacLennan IPA President, Chief Executive, M&C Saatchi Worldwide
"For Christmas I want a law to be passed that forbids newspapers and television news programmes from reporting anything on the ‘economic downturn’ or the ‘credit crunch’. The thought of all the ‘reviews of 08’ and ‘predictions for 09’ packed with misery and despondency. We’ve got the point. I do understand that coming up with something uplifting would require a good deal of creative thinking, but it would make Christmas much jollier."

Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive, WPP
"For channukah and Christmas - a one per cent improvement in WPP margins and bowling Clive Lloyd and Mike Proctor again."

Dylan Jones, Editor, GQ
"I would like a Tory government - pronto!"

Claire Beale, Editor, Campaign
"Can I have a rolling pin, some knitting needles and a trowel please Santa; it's going to be a self-sufficient 2009."

Ita Murphy, Managing Director, MindShare
"Each year the thing I most want for Christmas is anything that comes in a little velvet box.....sadly my hubby has interpreted this as sat nav!"

Gerry Moira, Chairman & Director of Creativity, Euro RSCG London
"Some f***ing goodwill. Is that just too bloody much to ask, for Chr***'s sake? One sodding shred of p**sing goodwill? Eh? (Sorry, it's been a long year)."

Lucy Barrett, Editor, Marketing
"I awake on Christmas morn, only to discover that this recession has just been a rather sinister dream. In fact the industry is in boom. Less of Father Christmas still exists and more of Concorde still existing please.... Sadly I was born a couple of decades too late wasn't I?"

James Wildman, Managing Director, Interactive Digital Sales
"In these straitened times all I would ask for is good health, fun company and inspired decisions in media agencies. Everything else will then fall into place."

Rory Sutherland, Ogilvy & Mather, Vice-Chairman, Ogilvy Group UK
"I'd like people - especially people with budgets - finally to take mobile marketing seriously."

Cilla Snowball, Chairman Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
"Big hot holiday with my kids, all the books on the Booker shortlist( with time to loll around reading all the books on it) and buckets of energy for the year ahead."

Stephen Allan, Worldwide Chairman & Chief Executive, MediaCom
"Good health for my family and a $2billion global account win for MediaCom."

Tess Alps,CEO, Thinkbox
"My Christmas wish list includes the following:
a tin-hat
laughing gas
a third series of Green Wing
Peter Field and Les Binet, both dipped in chocolate and subject to my every whim."

Hamish Pringle, Director-General, IPA

"May we all have grace under pressure."

Source: IPA

Happy Christmas!

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