Intr-un fel sau altul, toti purtam ochelari

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My dream job...and they're right

Me and another 30% of the tickle test takers are supposed to be rock stars. :)

Take this test!
Can you think of anything better than having all eyes on you? We didn't think so! That's why your dream job is standing on stage, under the spotlight, rocking out! Not selling merch, or just playing in the opening band — no, you need to be the main event. Outgoing and personable, you thrive when you can connect with others and make a big impression. And being on stage, literally or figuratively, pushes you to be your very best.

But you don't have to be Bono or Gwen Stefani to keep working the spotlight. Just use your original flair for being the basis of your social scene and making friends wherever you work — you'll be sure to shine!

Which side of your brain is dominant...?

Seems I'd make a better copy than account planner...

Take this test!
Most right-brained people like you are flexible in many realms of their lives. Whether picking up on the nuances of musical concerto, appreciating the subtle details in a work of art, or seeing the world from a different perspective, right-brained people are creative, imaginative, and attuned to their surroundings.

People probably see your thinking process as boundless, and that might translate to your physical surroundings as well. Some people think of you as messier than others. It's not that you're disorganized, it's just that you might use different systems to organize (by theme, by subject, by color). Straight alphabetization and rigidly ordered folders are not typical of right-brained behavior.

You are also more intuitive than many. When it comes to reading literature, you probably prefer creative writing or fiction over nonfiction. And when it comes to doing math, you might find you enjoy geometry more than other forms like algebra.

Friday, March 21, 2008

site funky

Uite un site fore interesant atat pentru continut cat si ca sursa de fotografie...photomagazine

Meeting John Griffiths

Last evening, I attended the planners meeting at Cafepedia and I had the great chance to meet this man: John Griffiths ...a simple man, but very insightful, willing to share his exceptional knowledge with us... He is really brilliant. More about him and his work here

All he was saying seemed to me like book quotes with all that information so well and plasticly explained. In fact was way better than a book, because one had the chance to ask the questions that no one can answer when reading some piece of paper. The time flew so quickly and I still have so many questions left unanswered... I really hope that I can meet him again...

The crowd was also very nice and I also had the chance to talk to people really interesting and interested in advertising, people, brands and planning...

This has been an extraordinary experience indeed...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Twitter in Plain English

Cand am aflat de Twitter, l-am vazut ca pe inca un canal de YM, insa pare un pic mai diferit, si poate fi chiar interesant, mai ales cand ai prieteni peste tot in lume...

Mai multe date in video. Via Unplannd

Monday, March 17, 2008

Vreau in publicitate

"Planningul e ca jacuzzi la bloc..."

...asa cum zicea acum ceva timp Sorin Psatta referindu-se la evolutia planningului in publicitatea romaneasca. Nu stiu daca ii aparatine 100% copyright-ul pentru aceasta vorbe atat de sintetice si de expresive, dar a surprins perfect conditia actuala a acestei discipline la noi. Toti vor departamente de planning, dar foarte putini chiar le "cresc" asa cum trebuie si le vad utilitatea dincolo de trend-ul pe care l-a generat aceasta noua disciplina.

Maine poimaine o sa aiba toti departamente de digital si strategic planning-ul o sa fie mai putin curtat... Cei pe care "ii roade" sa intre in publicitate, sa stie ca a fi copy a ramas la fel de vital ca si inainte de intrarea in scena a planningului si ca un Client Service de calitate poate face esential diferenta dintre un client foarte multumit de o agentie si unul care dupa 6 luni deja cocheteazsa cu altii.

Munca intr-o agentie de publicitate este la fel de "palpitanta" ca cea din orice alta firma, iar oameni de valoare care sa isi faca partea lor fff bine, sa fie pasionati si care sa stie importanta muncii in echipa sunt cei care vor ramane.

publicitate nu inseamna haine cool, program lejer si facut de spoturi sau virale, inseamna stres, lucrat peste program, citit mult, interactiune cu foarte multi oameni, iar stres, frustrari, nopti pierdute pt a pregati prezentari si abia apoi bani, care sa fim sinceri, nu sunt chiar asa de multi si nu ti-i da nimeni decat daca chiar demonstrezi ca ii meriti. Alti prieteni de varste comparabile din marketing sau vanzari castiga mult mai bine decat multi publicitari.

Pentru cei care vor in publicitate: sa stiti ca e munca multa, multe frustrari, mai ales cand esti "mic"= junior, si pentru inca cativa de euro la salariu o sa trageti pana cadeti. Insa o data ce va slefuiti si aratati ca puteti, vor veni si recompensele.

Pentru cei care vor sa faca plannnig: cititi cat puteti - carti de profil, bloguri dar nu numai. Va recomand "A Masterclass in Brand Planning" acolo veti vedea de unde a plecat planningul si despre ce e vorba de fapt...

Iesiti din case cat puteti de mult, intr-un cuvant, sau 2... traiti viata .